Our HV Assets & Sectors Solutions
About us
Based in Manchester, UK, IPEC are specialists in On-Line Partial Discharge (PD) monitoring and testing. With over 25 years of experience in PD, our expert team are here to provide solutions to maximise the performance of your assets. Our products cover handheld and permanent monitoring solutions to provide a complete PD monitoring package as well as service solutions across the UK.
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Our product range
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Partial Discharge Monitors
Acquire, process and display PD data remotely with our permanently installed monitors
- On-line solutions
- Provides live asset condition
- For MV switchgear and MV, HV and EHV cables

Partial Discharge Spot Testers
Detect and measure PD activity levels with IPEC's range of Partial Discharge Spot Testers
- A range of devices
- In-built PD activity level displays
- Record and save PD data

Partial Discharge Sensors
Our range of PD sensors can be used with our without IPEC products
- Effectively detect PD activity
- Non-intrusive devices
- Retrofitted to existing equipment